Cub Scout Pack 755
2021/22 School Year
We currently have about 60 registered children in the pack from grades K through 5. Although membership is primarily from Amerman Elementary School, we welcome boys from many other schools in the community. Cub Scout Pack 755 at Amerman has been in operation since 1976. We are part of the Boy Scouts of America, Michigan Crossroads Council—Great Lakes Field Service Unit, Ottawa District. Our chartering organization is First Presbyterian Church of Northville.
There are many leadership and volunteer opportunities you can get involved with and help make the Scouting experience the most it can be. Current leadership includes:
Committee Positions (click the position to understand the duties of the position)
Committee Chair-- Elliot Morrison-Reed
Advancement Chairs-- Andrew Abbott
Fundraising Chair (Popcorn Kernel)-- Nikki Oleksinski
Outdoor Activities Chair-- Steve Hoshaw
Webmaster (Public Relations Chair)-- Michelle Boschert
Unit Commissioner (Packs 755 and 721)-
Assistant District Commissioner (all of Northville)-- Bill Stockhausen
Unit Executive--
The leaders meet monthly to review pack business, and to plan pack meetings and other events. All parents are welcome to attend these meetings, which take place on the second Sunday of the month at 7:00pm at the Northville Sports Den.
Pack 755 Meetings
Pack 755 is made up of Dens organized by grade level.
- Once each month, all the dens meet as a pack.
- It is attended by the boys, their families, and adult leaders.
- Pack meetings are typically held on the 3rd Thursday of each month (September through May) and are usually held in the Amerman Multi-Purpose Room or Gym. They begin at 7:00pm and last about one hour.
- Pack Meetings are the pinnacle of the month’s activities. Dens can showcase what the boys have worked on, achievement awards are given, and there are activities and/or entertainment.
2019 – 2020 Pack Activities
- Pack Meetings every month
- PopcornSale (September, October)
- Operation Scouting for Food Drive (Early November)
- Holiday Parade (November)
- Pack Carnival at Amerman (January Pack Meeting)
- Winter Camp at D-A (February)
- PinewoodDerby (February Pack Meeting)
- Blue & Gold Banquet (March Pack Meeting)
- TBD Overnight Camp (April)
- Heritage Park Outing (May)
- Fishing Derby (May Pack Meeting)
- Memorial Day Parade (May)
- Pack Picnic / Year end Campout (Early June)
- Scout Day at ComericaPark (June)
- Summer Day Camp (July/August)
- Summer Resident Camp (July/August)
Den Organization
Scouts are grouped together in dens.
- Dens consist of approximately 6 to 10 boys and their leaders.
- They are arranged by grade level.
- While there are often multiple dens for a given grade level, they follow the same program for that grade level and interact at Pack meetings and activities.
- 1st Grade – Tiger Cubs
- 2nd Grade – Wolf Scouts
- 3rd Grade – Bear Scouts
- 4th Grade – Webelos I Scouts
- 5th Grade – Webelos II Scouts
- The Den will meet approximately two to three times per month. The den leader schedules den meetings at a determined time and location. All parents are expected to help plan and run the den activities. Tiger Cub parents are expected to participate with their son in all Tiger Cub Activities.
2019 – 2020 Den Leaders
2nd year Webelos Den Leaders (Den 6)-- Steve Hoshaw
1st Year Webelos Den Leader (Den 9)--Trent Guthrie
Bear Den Leader (Den 8)-- Dan Feenstra
Wolf Den Leaders (Den 7)-- Adam Huttenstine
Tiger Den Leader (Den 4)-- TC Newlin
The Cub Scout uniform is necessary for all scouting functions. The primary uniform is the Class A uniform, which includes the scout shirt (1st, 2nd, 3rd grade, Blue shirt, 4th and 5th grades, Tan or Blue shirt) and all necessary insignia, and a neckerchief. As part of signing up for Cub Scouts, each boy will receive a neckerchief appropriate for his age level, and a neckerchief slide to hold it in place. The Class A uniform should be worn at all scouting events unless otherwise indicated. There is also a Class B shirt (orange, navy or yellow). The cost of the Class A shirt is about $40 and the Class B shirt is around $10. If there is enough interest, we will order Class B uniforms. Other optional items include pants (blue with the blue shirt, green with the tan shirt), a belt, a hat, and socks. None of these are required, although a Cub Scout belt is recommended, as the boys can earn “belt loops” for various academic and sports activities.
There are several alternatives for ordering Scout uniforms:
- Nankin Hardware & Hobby 35101 Ford Rd,Westland, 734-722-5700
- Nankin Hobby Center,33350 9 Mile Road,Farmington, 248-919-0044
- Scout Shops-- Uniforms and scout equipment can be ordered and shipped UPS to your house when using a credit card.
- Boy Scouts of America Retail Catalog Sales. Accepting most major credit cards, you can order uniforms and supplies directly from the Boy Scouts of America. Their inventory levels are usually good and shipment is via UPS. Be sure to ask for the current BSA Retail Catalog.
Online versions can be downloaded here. The handbook outlines the activities necessary for rank advancement. Scoutbook also shows adavancement requirements. While many of the activities are done as a den, there are also many requirements that need to be done with an adult, or family.
Fund Raising
Our pack has one annual fund raising activity each year. The scouts sell popcorn to raise money for both Pack 755 and the Boy Scouts of America. Between 67% of the popcorn sales is paid back to the pack and council. This helps pay for a number of activities for the boys throughout the year, both within the Pack, but also with the Detroit Area Council. In addition to raising money for Scouting, it also gives the boys a chance to earn some great prizes. Selling popcorn is encouraged, but optional for the first year Lion and Tiger Cubs.
The registration cost for new scouts joining in September is $80 (Lions) / $100 (Tigers) / $130 (Wolves, Bears, Webelos). This covers their cost through September, 2020. Annual dues cover the following items:
- Subscription to Boys Life Magazine
- Neckerchief
- Neckerchief Slide
- Registration Fee to Michigan Crossroads Council/ Boy Scouts of America
- Advancement items (badges, pins, awards)
Activities and expected costs
The cost of many activities during the year will be covered by pack funds (Popcorn sales). The following is a typical list of activities that take place throughout the year and the expected cost to the family in addition to the annual dues:
- Class A Uniform ($40)
- Class B Uniform ($10)
- Fall Campout and bon fire (just a Metropark pass)
- Silversides Sub Trip (every couple of years ~$35-40 per person)
- Winter Camp – ($25 per person max.)
- Carnival – Amerman gym – ($0.25 per ticket for games and raffle)
- Blue and Gold banquet (family event - $5 per person/$20 per family; may be free pending pack finances)
- Pinewood Derby– pack covers all costs
- Spring trip – (~$25 per person)
- Family Pack picnic ($20/family)
- Day Camp – ($60-$90)
- Summer Camp – ($125 per person)
- Tiger Game (~$25 per ticket)
** Note that the above costs and activities are estimates and may vary depending on costs and availability of funds by the pack.
The leaders and volunteers are honored to have you become a member of Pack 755. We are committed to upholding the Purposes of Cub Scouting:
- Character Development
- Spiritual Growth
- Good Citizenship
- Sportsmanship and Fitness
- Family Understanding
- Respectful Relationships
- Personal Achievement
- Friendly Service
- Fun and Adventure
- Preparation for Boy Scouts
Thank you, and here’s looking forward to a fantastic year! Please fill out the family talent form and turn it in to your Den Leader so that we can get to know you and your family and understand your preferences for communicating.
BSA Boy Scouts of America
From time to time the BSA will publish a statement or policy. See the latest here.